How can I buy products or services?
If you want to buy from the products or services we offer. You must be a member of our site for free.
After you become a member, log in to our site. Select the product you want to buy. Add the product to the cart.
Click on the basket trolley button on the top right and click on the "View cart" button from the right side section.
On the cart view page. Check the accuracy of the products you have added to your cart. You will see the total amount you have to pay on the left.
If everything is the way you want, click the "Proceed to checkout" button.
In this section, enter the required information requested from you.
In the payment selection please select the cryptocurrency you wish to pay. We will automatically show you how much you have to pay in the cryptocurrency of your choice. Place your order with the "Place Order" button.
On the page you will be directed to, we will give you the amount you need to pay and the wallet address. Make the payment within the specified time. You will receive the product or service after your payment is automatically confirmed.